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Hideout Cafe

This is a rebranding project for a small cafe, they were looking for a logo that can convey their cafes environment. In brief, their cafe has relaxing & peace full feel where anybody can sit for hours without getting disturbed. So we created a minimal and relaxing looking visual identity for them.​​​​​​​


  • This is a rebranding process which means they have already established their brand image in local’s minds.

  • Choosing a relaxing as well as related to coffee, colour and theme for branding We got to first clear their ideal customer as they were kinda confused about this.

Scope of the project

  • Strategy

  • Visual identity

Brand attributes

Choosing a relaxing as well as related to coffee, color and theme for branding 

  • Comfort

  • Peace

  • Calming

sample work hidecafeout -ADS

User Profile

In other words, in your efforts to serve everyone, you’ll end up serving no one! Briefly, hideout’s ideal customer has qualities like

  • age – 25 years
  • Not Married
  • Dresses casual 
  • Party 


  • Our approach was to make their customers comfort so we didn’t use so much colors and tried to be consistent with our design 
  • For Branding, we chose a dark blue colour pallet for its quality of modernness.
  • And brown for secondary colour as this is natures colour as well it has some cafe feel too. 


best startup-branding-agency-in-india

Identity Design

best startup-branding-agency-in-india
best startup-branding-agency-in-india


Hide out cafe branding
Hide out cafe